Hmm... Didn't expect much to happen for this week actually...
Untill~ I called CuiMing for dinner on Saturday~ I nearly gone nuts for staying at home 24hours for 5days straight! GOSH!!
And so~ An active person like me! Couldn't stand another boring day! And my friend is not even working on Saturday! So Why not to just ask him out and have some fun together? o_O!
After he said~ OK! Meet me at my place. I went to bath. And after bathing, I weigth myself. And!!! I FOUND MYSELF GAINED 2KG! LOL! I was 52 plus! And now! 54KG! LOL!
No! I am not sad of gaining weight.. I am happy about it.. I think I am too thin.. =/
Honestly I need some MEAT though... lol
And here is the prove xD

See! I am not a liar! LOL!
Okay! After meeting CuiMing, we went for our dinner. And after dinner, we went to a park nearby for our gossiping session! LOL! Its just actually a chit chating moment for us =)
And guess what.. BingGang called up! Chated with him for like 5minutes, and CuiMing said..
"Let's go to KTV"
And out of a freaking damn expectation, BingGang agreed! And so! We head over to his place first. Because he was still having his dinner and, he said, he wants to bath before we go to the KTV. And ~ We said we'll wait him at his place, and go over together~
We were surprised that he will actually go with us =O

On the way to the KTV! Cuiming is showing BingGang my half naked photo that he took when we were swimming at my place! Gosh!
After like 10minutes of walking? We reached the KTV where we used to play at.
And the supervisor was like.. "OW HI! WELCOME BACK, But did you guys called to book? Cause we are currently full at the moment.. you guys might have to wait.. Sorry about this~"
Instead of waiting and wasting time there, I leave my phone number there and asked them to call me when they got a room for us...
And we went to a NTUC nearby to buy some drinks. In case we are out of water! Then we got spare... LOL!
(Drinks from KTV are usually expensive =X)
And while we walking down the stair.. CuiMing found a fun spot for us to have some wild photos there...
Statue Of Liberty!
What am I?
After finsihed Solo-ing! Here are some dual! LOL!
It's been so long that the three of us didn't fool around like this xD
Same colors of pants? And shoes? O_O?!

Yeah~~~! -____-!
Lots of peoples are walking up and down the stair.. and we were still enjoying on the stupid act we were doing.. lol!
And finally... We finished the lame session. And we are here!! the NTUC! For our... GREENTEA.. LOL

Random shot of them...
And then, I received the phone call from the KTV, so we head back to the KTV!
And when we enter the entrance, most of the staff that we were familiar with.. saw us.. and..
"Hi! Welcome back sir! haha!"

You all know which song is this? I am pretty sure you all can see the singer on the TV...

What about this?
C'mon! You get freebie if you get the 2 songs correctly!
And a wild night started for the three of us =)
We took quite a numbers of photos, while the three of us were singing ~

Getting ready, and waitting the song to start...
Trio Trio! Die die also want a trio photo! No matter what! LOL!

What's up with the Huge Green Tea bottle O_O!

Jay chou? LOL!!!!!!!!

Punk star gone NUTS!

S.H.E's Selina? LMAO!!!!!!

The two of them enjoying some song which I didn't even heard of before...

Trio Trio!!! We rock!!!
And the last song for us was! Avril Lavigne - GirlFriend!
This song -.- It's just some song that is compulsory whenever we were singing in the KTV!
They didn't really like that song at the beginning. But after hearing and seeing how mad I was when I was singing that song, this song started to spread among us! From me to CuiMing, and then to BingGang!
And when BingGang say.. " EH! GirlFriend GirlFriend!!"
I was like " AhhH? Not again? Why are we "shouting" that song everytime when we are in KTV!"
But~ I still choose that song LOL!
And we were jumping and shouting when GirlFriend was played! We went totally nuts and way too over that night! We were sweating like we just bathed after we finished GirlFriend!
And then~ A sweet GoodNight ended the wild night. But started a beautiful day =)
(As it was alredy 2AM in the morning... )
And~ I slept on the sofa in the living room.
And this! Little kid!!

Brandon Lau! ROAR!
Nearly scared the crap outa me!
I was sleeping on the sofa! And! When it was around 10 in the morning, and he had already woke up~
And what he did was... running here and there... shouting... shouting.. and more shouting...
What scared me wasn't his shouting.. =)
He smack something on my legs so hard and repeatly.. which got me...
It was just a balloon... Bad boy! Brandon! bad bad boy!!! I won't buy you kinder joy no more =/
And after slacking whole day at home, I called CuiMing to hang out at Tampines. And he said Okay~
So we went there and have our dinner together. And he bought a dessert, which looks sooooo tasty! And it taste good too!

Beautiful Color huh?

The top View of it. Yum Yum!
And that stupid kid CuiMing, go and stired the whole thing, and added my coke into the dessert! And this is what we get....
Oh my gosh man! It looks like someone just thrown out! Yuck! What a stupid idea!! And what a waste!
I asked him out to hunt for some shoes actually.. but unfortunately, we couldn't find any shoes that I was looking for...
So we turned our target to shirts... and Yes~ I spoted a shirt which looks pretty good on us..
( Well at least for me )
Wanna have a look at it? 5bucks for each photo please =) lol
I accept pay pal and cash... LOL!



(What a perfect camera man I got here... Blurred my face for like 5shots in a row... lol)
Alright now Guys! Quite a meaningful week for me again =) Haha! I am so glad that my buddies can spare some of their times out for a gatheting!
And! Of course! The "EXTRA" is not invited! Didn't even think of her =) She is so OUT!
And lastly! Would like to Wish my MSN buddy the BEST LUCK! Since she will be having 3 interview on next week =)
Good Luck Yuewen! =)
Peace out EVERYONE!