Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'll block this, If I were you.

Facebook is a really good place for me to "hang around" online. I personally love reading people's status and comments on Facebook. And not forgetting to have a look at the photos that my friends were being tagged. Some of the photos are seriously funny and stupid, they always gave me a good laugh!

Recently... I've been receiving these..(photos) in a freaking hell huge amount. Its almost like my friends were spamming me with those things. Which I find it ridiculously, pointless.

I am not the only one who find these "I just hit you with.." craps irritating. My friends said so too.

They don't hit you with only delicious food like the above pictures, they hit you with some pillows and other stuffs too. How "COOL" was that? How many of you actually HIT BACK the sender? I ignore it everytime my friends hit me with Grilled Salmon, Pizza, Terriyaki shits, or whatever it is.

And see what it says.. "Remember the Food Fight Rule! The person who does not throw back food in 24hours loses."

Seriously? So what do I get if I throw the sender back something?

It's rather annoying, whenever I received like 5 notifications on Facebook, 3 out of 5 notifications are from the Food Fight thing. It really irritates me when I was so eargerly to see what are the notifications I've received, thinking that it could be some interesting comments that made by my friends, or maybe that I was tagged in a photo, and when I clicked on the icon, it showed me those Food Fight notifications. Which is so.. (Alright.. I ran out of words. Happy?)

I didn't know how to block the application before! But now I know! You all must be thinking that I am so damn stupid, cause I don't even know how to block that application off! I didn't know how, was because, I wasn't that active on Facebook before! But I am now! I don't even bother to read a single shit on my Facebook profile before, But now, I read everything! Including the Food Fight! And that is why! I've find it lame and irritating! And that is why I wanted to block it! And that is why! I've found out how to block it!

*Just in case some of you out there, are still wondering on how to block thise application off, Imma teach you all how now!*

Well, there is 2 ways for you to stop seeing the application on your Facebook profile page. The first.. Is to click on the remove button one by one on the posts that is on your page. In case you didn't where to find this "remove" button.. Here it is.

By clicking it. A notice would pop out. Asking you if you really want to delete this post off. Click on YES to remove it.

Okay, simple and easy. That was the first way to REMOVE the post. So now.. How do you BLOCK this off PERMENANTLY? As a real kind hearted person , Fred will now tell you guys on how to block this thing off.

Starting by, choosing any of the posts that is from Food Fight application. And you'll find this..

Click on the [ hide all posts from app ] ( Circled on the above picture ).

Done? And it'll lead you to..

Click on NO, if you do not want to receive any emails from the Food Fight application. Click on yes if you wish to receive their mails. Or, you can choose to ignore it, by scrolling down your page.. and you will see this.

Just click on it, and it will lead you to the main page of the Food Fight application. And when you entered the main page of the Food Fight application, you'll see the exact same thing as you saw above. Simply just click on the "Block this application" to block this application off. And here is the one that you are going to see when you entered the main page of the application.

The only thing that is different is that, there is no red arrow pointing on the "Block Application". Click on the "Block Application" (as cicrcled).

And Weee! The application will never be posted on your Facebook profile page, ever!

Short Update for my Birthday : Thank you, Jasmine, Terry, Edmund and TJ for the birthday surprise, and thanks for the cake. Thank you Alan, for the brownies. Thank you Peter, for the multi wearable AirWalk bag. Thank you Jackie, for the shirt. And thank you all, to whoever that wishes me a Happy Birthday on Facebook, through Phone calls, through Text Messages, through MSN, and Skype.

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